
What is Finnings60?

Sampadha has 2 categories of clients

  1. Individuals with aspirations of next level
  2. Small Businesses with aspiration growing powerful

Individuals are guided on designing their visioned life, develop freedom plan, and reduce time in achieving ideal life and financial freedom. Sampadha assists Individuals on moving to next level of lifestyle, by growing their net worth on yearly basis, increasing income from assets, converting liabilities into assets, generating additional income sources and maximising post tax income.

Small Business and owners are guided by designing strategy to scale their businesses to acquire competitors by attracting and retaining key human resources. Sampadha assists small businesses by handling and increasing their cash inflows, mapping revenues and cash outflows, reducing risks, managing assets and liabilities, and business tax consultations.

In Simple, Sampadha guides both individuals and small businesses in defining their goals and design financial strategies to achieve them in a safest and shortest way possible


"Empowering all citizens through NPS: Inclusive, accessible, and secure pension solutions for financial well-being and a dignified retirement."


"Vision for All Citizens Mode in NPS: Universal access, financial inclusion, and retirement security, fostering a prosperous and sustainable future for every individual."


"Values of All Citizens Mode in NPS: Inclusivity, Transparency, Security - Enabling every citizen's journey towards financial resilience and retirement well-being."